Delegation, How It Started.

“Delegation is magic. It is a lever that helps you aim higher and reach further. Having support gives you permission to focus on what only you can do.”


It all started at a zoom break-out room.

In 2020, I met Christine Carrillo at Write of Passage. Based in Hawaii, she had kids, surfed daily, and her work thrived. She seemed calm and balanced. Her secret? A fantastic VA from the Philippines and a deep belief in delegation. She made it sound easy and suggested I should look into it too.

Could I Delegate Too?

I was a coach, a creator, and a budding entrepreneur. With COVID, I had to completely reinvent my Executive Coaching program. Her advice made me think. Could I start delegating? But what could I delegate? How could I explain what I do and how I do it? Could I afford it?

I gave it a try. I explored virtual assistants abroad. I made mistakes, hired the wrong people. But with over 15 years of experience in personal development and project management, I figured things out. In a matter of months, I found skilled, educated, and affordable help. I learnt how to identify the right fit, I learnt how to empower my team. My delegation journey began.

How It Changed My Life

I’m a parent with limited time. But my busy life shouldn’t mean poor work for my clients. Once I hired help, I knew there was no turning back. My assistant could handle finding leads, revising course material, designing Notion workspaces, creating social content, researching guests for my interviews, editing videos, and now, my podcast episodes. I went from “only I can do this” to “My assistant can take over from here?”

Delegation is magic. It is a lever that helps you aim higher and reach further. Having support gives you permission to focus on what only you can do. And to be honest, there are many things that my assistants know how to do better than myself.

But before I go on, I should confess something; trusting others didn’t happen overnight. Building trust in my team took three years, and it’s still a work in progress. I get your hesitation. Why delegate when you can do it yourself?

Here’s Why

Businesses that fade have bosses doing it all. High-impact leaders build and trust their teams. I want you to be a high-impact, long-lasting leader. That’s why I coach delegation. I love sharing what has worked for me to help others grow. I know how hard it can be exciting about ideas but run dry from exhaustion. Let’s build trust and a system that works for you. Let’s grow your company together. Let’s figure out a way to have you do what only you can do. 

Out of all the experiences I’ve had, delegating work to remote staff has been the single most impactful. I want to teach you and show you how, you too, can delegate, aim higher, and reclaim time.

Start Your Delegation Journey

Learn more tips on delegation here. Book me for a call. Let’s get you started in your delegation journey. Re-claim your time and energy. Gain order and peace of mind.

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